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Figuration v4.4 is now available!
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An overview of Figuration, including how to use it, basic templates, examples, and more.

Customization Options

Customize Figuration using Sass variables for global style preferences, easy theming, and component adjustments.

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Customizing Options

Whenever possible, avoid modifying Figurations's core files. For Sass, that means creating your own stylesheet that imports Figuration so you can modify and extend it. Assuming you've downloaded our source files or are using a package manager, you'll have a file structure that looks like this:

+-- scss
| +-- custom.scss
+-- node_modules/
+-- figuration
+-- js
+-- scss

In your custom.scss, you will import Figuration's source Sass files. Our recommended structure is to pick the parts you need, but you can include everything if desired. Be aware there are some requirements and dependencies across our components, so you may need to include slightly more than you need. Some of our components will also need have our our JavaScript included in order to become interactive.

// custom.scss
// Recommended structure for importing Figuration into your
// project allowing for use of Figuration's Sass functions
// in your custom setting overrides

// Required - functions
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/functions";

// Custom - your setting overrides
// go in this location

// Required - settings and mixins
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/settings";
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/mixins";

// Core and Components
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/reboot";
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/typography";
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/images";
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/buttons";
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/grid";

With that setup in place, you can begin to modify any of the Sass variables and maps in your custom.scss. You can also start to add parts of Figuration under the // Optional section as needed.

Variable Defaults

Every Sass variable, or setting, in Figuration includes the !default flag allowing you to override the variable's default value in your own Sass without modifying Figuration's source code. Copy and paste variables as needed, modify their values, and remove the !default flag. If a variable has already been assigned, then it won't be re-assigned by the default values.

Variable overrides within the same Sass file can come before or after the default variables. However, when overriding across Sass files, your overrides must come before you import Figuration's Sass files.

Here's an example that changes the background-color and color for the <body> when importing and compiling Figuration via grunt:

// Required - functions
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/functions";

// Custom - your setting overrides
$body-bg: #000;
$body-color: #fff;

// Required - settings and mixins
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/settings";
@import "node_modules/figuration/scss/mixins";

// Core and Components

Repeat as necessary for any variable in Figuration, including the global options below.

Global Options

You can find and customize these variables for key global options in our _settings.scss file.

Variable Values Description
$spacer 1rem (default), or any value > 0 Specifies the default spacer value used to programmatically generate the Spacing utilities.
$enable-rounded true (default) or false Enables predefined border-radius styles on various components.
$enable-shadows true or false (default) Enables predefined box-shadow styles on various components.
$enable-transitions true (default) or false Enables predefined transitions on various components.
$enable-grid-classes true (default) or false Enables the generation of CSS classes for the grid system (e.g. .container, .row, .col-md-1, etc.).
$enable-print-styles true (default) or false Enables predefined style overrides used when printing.
$enable-palette true (default) or false Enables the generation of CSS classes for the palette color themes (e.g. .text-blue-500, etc.).
$enable-sizing true (default) or false Enables the generation of CSS classes for component sizes, and also for some utilites. (e.g. .btn-sm, .radius-t-xs, etc.).
$enable-bp-smallest true or false (default) Enables the generation of CSS classes for breakpoint sizes that include the smallest breakpoint designator. (e.g. .col-xs-12). Also refer to the Breakpoint Nomenclature section.

Component Sizes

The button, button group, pagination, form-control and input-group components all use the same base sizing settings for consitency.

By using a map, we can be sure the components are all the same height when horizontally aligned.

<select> Sizing Caveat

Currently there is a minor issue with vertical sizing and <select> elements with Internet Explorer. IE will render <select> elements slightly shorter in vertical height than other browsers.

This has not undergone stringent testing on mobile devices yet.

You can modify, remove, or add additional sizes, beyond the default sizing, by redefining the $component-sizes variable and
Below is the default additional settings for reference. Try not to confuse the size designations (sm, lg, etc.) with the grid breakpoints designations.

// Used for button, button groups, pagination, form-control, and input-group
$component-sizes: (
xs: (
font-size: .75rem,
padding-y: .1875rem,
padding-x: .375rem,
border-radius: .1875rem
sm: (
font-size: .875rem,
padding-y: .25rem,
padding-x: .5rem,
border-radius: .1875rem
lg: (
font-size: 1.25rem,
padding-y: .625rem,
padding-x: 1.25rem,
border-radius: .3125rem
xl: (
font-size: 1.5rem,
padding-y: .75rem,
padding-x: 1.5rem,
border-radius: .3125rem

Contextual Colors

Extend the default contextual color map with your own custom colors.

Yes, it is a substantial and confusing piece of SCSS, but allows for reasonable flexibility.

The control-* keys are used by mainly by control items—specifically—buttons, button groups, pagination, progress bars, badges, and background context.

The context-* keys are used for contextual items—specifically—tables, list groups, form validation, and alerts.

Conveying Meaning to Assistive Technologies

Please refer to the Accessiblity notes about conveying meaning with color.

// Sample of adding more colors using a mixing function
$custom-context: (
purple: #990099,
aqua: #00ffff

// Process custom colors into context color variants
$custom-themes: _mix-context-colors($custom-context);
// Merge into master context themes map
$context-themes: map-merge($context-themes, $custom-themes);

Single Color Addition

You can also add a single color map without all the additional color mixing functions with something a bit simpler.

// Adding a single color map
$single-color: (
"purple": (
"control-color": #fff,
"control-bg": #990099,
"control-border": #800080,
"control-hover-color": #fff,
"control-hover-bg": #770077,
"control-hover-border": #660066,
"context-color": #990099,
"context-bg": #ffb3ff,
"context-border": #ff29ff
$context-themes: map-merge($context-themes, $single-color);

Palette Variables

When enabled, any theme in the $palette-themes map get CSS generated for each defined level for both text and background variants.

// Palette Colors
$red: #c81d0e;
$green: #108918;
$blue: #1242ba;
$cyan: #117dba;
$mustard: #c98800;
$gray: #666;

// Palette Map
$palette-themes: (
"red": $red,
"green": $green,
"blue": $blue,
"cyan": $cyan,
"mustard": $mustard,
"gray": $gray

The default setting for the color levels to be generated is defined as the following.

$palette-levels: 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900;