Theme colors, quick overview of the palette system for consitent control of colors used within Figuration, and the available color contrast SASS functions.
Here are the names and base color values for the color themes used throughout Figuration. These colors are used to expand into a palette style color system, as seen below.
The pre-defined color variables are available when building your own components.
.custom-element {
color: $primary;
Figuration uses a simplified color palettes, extended from our base colors, similar to the concept by Google's Material color palettes.
By 'simplified' we mean the base colors are simply mixed against white or black in stepped levels to create a color scale.
Since our base colors tend to be on the dark side, there is a skew in the mixing percentages between the light and dark sides so that we don't reach pure black before hitting the top of the scale.
More information and examples about using the color palette and related utilities is available on the color utilities page.
Conveying Meaning to Assistive Technologies
Please refer to the Accessiblity notes about conveying meaning with color.
Mix your own colors using the palette function.
palette($color, $level)
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
$color |
string | '' |
The base color to mix against. |
$level |
integer | 500 |
Valid levels are integer values 0-1000, with 0 being the lightest, 1000 being the darkest, 500 results in an unchanged color. Special values: level < 0 = #fff , level > 1000 = #000 .
Sample usage within SASS:
.custom-element {
color: palette($primary, 600);
Figuration includes a handful of color contrast functions based on the WCAG 2.1 minimum contrast specification formulas for determining contrast ratio and relative luminance.
Returns either a light (#fff
) or dark (#262d34
) color compared against a given one based on the minimum contrast ratio setting.
color-contrast($color, $light: $color-contrast-base-light, $dark: $color-contrast-base-dark);
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
$color |
string | '' |
The base color to compare against. |
$light |
string | $color-contrast-base-light |
Light color to use for auto-determination result. |
$dark |
string | $color-contrast-base-dark |
Dark color to use for auto-determination result. |
Returns either white (#fff
) or black (#000
) depending on which color has the maximum contrast ratio based against the given color.
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
$color |
string | '' |
The base color to compare against. |
Check to see if the defined light (#fff
) or dark (#262d34
) color meet minimum contrast against a given color. If neither meet minumum contrast, then return white or black depending on the best contrast ratio.
color-auto-contrast($color, $light: $color-contrast-base-light, $dark: $color-contrast-base-dark);
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
$color |
string | '' |
The base color to compare against. |
$light |
string | $color-contrast-base-light |
Light color to use for auto-determination result. |
$dark |
string | $color-contrast-base-dark |
Dark color to use for auto-determination result. |
Compare a foreground color against a background color. Returns the foreground color if it passes the minimum contrast ratio, otherwise return the result from color-auto-contrast()
Check to see if the defined light (#fff
) or dark (#262d34
) color meet minimum contrast against a given color. If neither meet minumum contrast, then return white or black depending on the best contrast ratio.
color-if-contrast($colorfore, $colorback, $light: $color-contrast-base-light, $dark: $color-contrast-base-dark);
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
$colorfore |
string | '' |
Foreground color to use in comparison. |
$colorback |
string | '' |
Background color to use in comparison. |
$light |
string | $color-contrast-base-light |
Light color to use for auto-determination result. |
$dark |
string | $color-contrast-base-dark |
Dark color to use for auto-determination result. |
Adjusting Themes
Add Color
Add a color to all themes by appending it to the $base-colors
$base-colors: (
"new-color": #990099
Add Mixed Theme
Figuration uses mixed themes to build out our components. This way color stays consitent across all aspects of the component.
You can mix your own theme by using the _mix-context-colors()
_mix-context-colors($colors, $levels);
Argument | Type | Default | Description |
$color |
string | '' |
The base color to mix with. |
$levels |
map | '' |
Palette levels for each state of a contextual element. Refer to the $level-control variable for the map specifications.
// Adding a mixed theme with custom mix levels
$mix-levels: (
"bg": 550,
"color": -1,
"border-color": 650,
"hover-bg": 650,
"hover-color": -1,
"hover-border-color": 750,
"active-bg": 750,
"active-color": -1,
"active-border-color": 750
$mixed-theme = _mix-context-colors(#990099, $mix-levels);
$btn-themes: map-merge($btn-themes, $mixed-theme);
Add Custom Theme
You can also add a color map without using the color mixing function, allowing for greater customization.
// Adding a custom theme
$custom-theme: (
"purple": (
"base": #990099,
"bg": #990099,
"color": #fff,
"border-color": #800080,
"hover-bg": #770077,
"hover-color": #fff,
"hover-border-color": #660066,
"active-bg": #ffb3ff,
"active-color": #990099,
"active-border-color": #ff29ff
// Required - functions
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/functions";
// Required - settings and mixins
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/settings";
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/settings-options";
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/mixins";
// Custom theme addition/removal go in this location
$btn-themes: map-merge($btn-themes, $custom-theme);
// Core and Components
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/reboot";
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/typography";
Remove Theme
Just like removing from the color maps, use map-remove()
to remove themes from $btn-themes
As before, insert this setting after the Required sections and before the Core and Components section.
// Required - functions
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/functions";
// Required - settings and mixins
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/settings";
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/settings-options";
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/mixins";
// Custom theme addition/removal go in this location
$btn-themes: map-remove('warning', 'light', 'dark');
// Core and Components
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/reboot";
@import "../node_modules/figuration/scss/typography";
SASS Reference
The available Customization options, or Sass variables, that can be customized for colors.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
$palette-levels |
string | 50 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 |
Levels used to generate colors within the palettes. Valid levels are integer values 0-1000, with 0 being the lightest, 1000 being the darkest, 500 results in an unchanged color. |
$palette-interval-light |
percentage | .2% |
The percentage per palette level, less than 500, used to mix a color against pure white (#fff ).
$palette-interval-dark |
percentage | .15% |
The percentage per palette level used, greater than 500, to mix a color against pure black (#000 ).
$level-control |
string |
Palette levels for use in _mix-context-colors() to determine standardized color mapping for control items, such as buttons. Special values: level < 0 = |
$level-context |
string |
Palette levels for use in _mix-context-colors() to determine standardized color mapping for contextual items, such as alerts, lists, and tables. Special values: level < 0 = |
$level-delta-hover-color |
integer | 100 |
Increase (or decrease with negative number) to alter color for the hover state of .text-{color}-(palette-level} utility classes.
$base-colors |
string |
Base color map used to generate the control and contextual variants. |
$palette-colors |
string |
Base color map used to generate the palette utility variants. |
$root-colors |
map | map-merge($base-colors, $palette-colors) |
Colors to output as CSS variables. |
$color-contrast-min-ratio |
float | 4.5 |
Minimum contrast ratio to use in Figuration's color contrast SASS functions.
4.5 is the WCAG 2.1 level AA specification for contrast.
$color-contrast-base-light |
string | $white |
Default light color to be used with the color contrast functions. |
$color-contrast-base-dark |
string | $uibase-900 |
Default dark color to be used with the color contrast functions. |
No mixins available.