Get a project underway with examples showing concepts from basic framework components up to custom layouts.
Page Contents
Download the source code to get all the files used in the examples. They can be found in the docs/examples/
The Basics
Examples focusing on the use of the standard components.
- Starter Template - Basic starting point with the compiled CSS and JavaScript.
- Grid Examples - Samples of Grid layouts, including responsive breakpoints, nesting, clearing, and offsets.
Examples showing the navbar and how it is responsive, can be positioned, or extended.
- Navbar Examples - A large variety of navbar types and examples of the responsive behaviors.
- Static Top Navbar - A basic template of a static top navbar and some additional content.
- Fixed Top Navbar - A basic template of a fixed top navbar and some additional content.
- Fixed Bottom Navbar - A basic template of a fixed bottom navbar and some additional content.
- Offcanvas Navbar - An example of a fixed top navbar with a repsonsive offcanvas drawer.
Project Concepts
Examples of components and layouts to demonstrate what Figuration can help you create.
- Blog Example - News style blog layout with header, navigation, footer, content cards, and a sample article.
More to come!